Boost Your Mood with These 5 Inspiring Gratitude Journal Prompts


“The simple act of practicing gratitude, consistently, is your invitation to a new life. Accepting the invitation is now up to you.”

—The Gratitude Jar: A Simple Guide to Creating Miracles


There's tons of research into the benefits of gratitude journaling, and it’s such a wonderful way to add more positive energy to your day.

Here are some of my favorite gratitude journal prompts from the Give Thanks Guided Journal that you can use to get started with your own daily practice.

P.S. If you want to learn more about how I went from being not into gratitude journaling, to becoming a true believer, watch the video below.

Watch Now: How to Start a Gratitude Journal (And Why They Actually Work) 


5 Inspiring Gratitude Journaling Prompts


Most of us have routines we do every single day no matter what we’ve got planned. In those day-to- day moments, there are things we rely on to get us through each day that we typically don’t even notice. Deodorant. Running water. Coffee. Things we just can’t live without that we use. Every. Single. Day. What’s something you’re grateful for that you use every day and can’t live without?



On those extra tough days when it’s difficult to find gratitude, there’s always one thing you can call on: being alive. No matter what, if you’re still here and participating in this journal, you have that. Thank your body today. What’s working well in your body? What’s your favorite part? It’s so easy to take our bodies for granted, but it’s our reason for living. Give it the gratitude it deserves.



Perspective is a powerful thing. Sometimes we don’t notice how far we’ve come until we can look back and reflect upon it. For this gratitude, reflect on what’s different in your life today than it was a year ago ... what are you most grateful for that’s changed?



I didn’t notice how beautiful this planet was until I started practicing gratitude. Now, it’s all I notice. Earth is incredible, and we are beyond lucky to call it our home. What about this amazing Earth are you most grateful for? Pick a beautiful place in nature to write your gratitude today.



I love reading beautifully written words; they always lift my spirits. What inspirational words of wisdom are you most grateful for receiving? Maybe it’s something powerful someone told you that you’ve never forgotten, or maybe it’s a famous quote posted in your office. Write what words you’re most grateful for and why.

Josie Robinson • Author

I help everyday people navigate this crazy modern world with gratitude and grace. Read my bestselling book about how to heal your life with the power of gratitude →


Discovering the Power of the Daily Examen: A Gratitude Practice to Change Your Life


The Power of a Grateful Mindset: How to Cultivate an Attitude of Gratitude