Powerful 5 Minute Guided Gratitude Meditation for Morning or Evening


“The attitude of gratitude is the highest yoga.”

— Yogi Bhajan



5 minutes. Find a quiet time in the morning or evening for this guided gratitude meditation.

Try it for 30 days, and notice how much better you feel. You may see benefits in as little as one session.


This is taken from the Simple Serenity: Five-Minute Meditations for Everyday Life audiobook. I hope you enjoy listening.

I've also included a free PDF gratitude meditation script below the audio to help you follow it yourself or teach it to others. 


5 Minute Gratitude Meditation Script


Download a PDF copy of this beautiful guided gratitude meditation script for yourself, or to share with others.

This is a great meditation to do at the beginning or end of the day.

Turn off your phone and free yourself of interruptions.

Either sit or lie down, whatever is most comfortable, and close your eyes.

Take a long, slow, deep breath in, then slowly exhale.

Feel your tension melt away as you gradually relax deeper with each breath.

Take another long, slow, deep breath in, then exhale.

Feel yourself drift into a state of deep relaxation. 

Continue to breathe slowly and gently as you bring your awareness to the top of your head.

Picture a warm, loving golden light spread from the top of your head down to your toes.

Feel your muscles relax as the light washes over you, surrounding and protecting you.

Take a few more deep breaths and relax deeply.

In this safe, relaxed state, reflect on all the things you’re grateful for: loved ones, breath in your lungs, sunshine, fresh air, the tasty dinner you had that evening, a nice compliment from a coworker—whatever comes to mind. 

As each object of gratitude appears, visualize yourself saying thank you to each thing.

Picture the person you’re grateful for standing in front of you, and tell them how grateful you are for them and why.

Try to make the image and feeling as real as you can.

Taste the delicious apple you ate for lunch and say thank you to it.

If you’re having a difficult time coming up with things to be grateful for, ask God, a Higher Power, or the highest part of yourself to reveal them to you. 

Allow the feeling of deep gratitude to come into your body.

Notice where the feeling is in your body.

Take a few deep breaths and allow it to expand.

Enjoy the pleasant feeling gratitude gives you, and feel it wash away your tension and negativity.

You can remain in this relaxed state as long as you’d like.

When you’re ready, end your gratitude meditation with the following affirmation: 

“Thank you for the many blessings I have been bestowed with. May these blessings multiply as I continue to notice and give thanks for them. Thank you, Universe. Amen.”

Wiggle your toes and fingers, open your eyes, and give yourself a few moments to adjust.

Bring that feeling of gratitude with you as you go through your day or drift off to sleep.   

Want more inspiring five minute meditations like this?

Check out my newest book, Simple Serenity: Five Minute Meditations for Everyday Life, which you can get a FREE digital copy of right here.

Josie Robinson • Author

I help everyday people navigate this crazy modern world with gratitude and grace. Read my bestselling book about how to heal your life with the power of gratitude →


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