Express Your Gratitude with These 3 Heartfelt Thank-You Gift Ideas


“The manner of giving is worth more than the gift.”

— Pierre Corneille


I've given several of the following gratitude gifts out to the special people in my life, and I still hear from them, years later, how much these gifts have meant to them.

Each of these gifts is beautiful, inspiring, and will continue to bless the person receiving the gift for years to come. 

All the gifts on this list are available online, at all different price points, so hopefully there's something here for everyone on your list!

  1. Write a Letter of Gratitude

This wonderful idea was given to me by my friend, Josh.

Josh bought a copy of The Gratitude Jar Book to give to his grandmother—and did something extra special with it.

He wrote a letter to his grandmother about why he was grateful for her, then tucked the letter inside the book for her to find while she was reading.

Super thoughtful, right? Super simple, too.

Josh told me his grandma was delighted to find the letter inside her book and told him how much she appreciated him, too.


The first thank you gift idea really is that simple: 

  • Write someone a letter of gratitude, then tuck it inside a book about gratitude.

If you’d like ideas for gratitude books to tuck your letter into, here are some of my favorites:

A Simple Act of Gratitude: How Learning to Say Thank You Changed My Life

The Gratitude Diaries: How a Year of Looking on the Bright Side Can Transform Your Life

The Little Book of Gratitude: Create a Life of Happiness and Wellbeing by Giving Thanks


2. Fill a Gratitude Jar With Special Notes

This next gift idea is super duper simple also.


  • Give someone a Gratitude Jar, and fill it with little notes of gratitude to the person receiving it.

  • P.S. I wrote a post about how to write notes of gratitude if you need inspiration: How to Create a Love Notes Jar for Someone Special

  • VARIATION: Instead of gratitude notes, you could fill it with other inspirational things like quotes, song lyrics, or special mementos.

Here's where you can find some beautiful Gratitude Jars, in every price range:

$0-$20:  Use a simple mason jar or other pretty container from your local home decor store. 

$20-$50: Get a ready-made Gratitude Jar, like this lovely little blessings jar from Amazon. Or this beautiful glass gratitude jar (which was selected as one of Oprah's Favorite Things!)

$50+: You can commission a glass artist to create a one-of-a-kind gratitude jar as a custom art piece. I commissioned an amazing glass blower from Etsy to create a collection of handmade gratitude jars when I first launched my book, and they were absolutely gorgeous.


3) Give a Guided Gratitude Journal

The instructions for this gift are also very simple.


  • Give someone a gratitude journal so they can start their own gratitude practice.

  • For an extra special touch, write them a note of gratitude on one of the journal pages for them to find.

This is the most popular way to practice gratitude, and there are many beautiful gratitude journals for sale online that also make lovely gifts. 

Here are a few of my all-time favorite gratitude journals, that make wonderful gifts:

Give Thanks: A Gratitude Journal

The Simple Abundance Journal of Gratitude

52 Lists for Happiness: Weekly Journaling Inspiration for Positivity, Balance, and Joy

Josie Robinson • Author

I help everyday people navigate this crazy modern world with gratitude and grace. Read my bestselling book about how to heal your life with the power of gratitude →


The Power of Gratitude: 5 Simple Ways to Start Practicing Today


A Creative Way to Teach Your Kids Gratitude: Family Gratitude Jar